About Us

Intensivamente Insieme is a non-profit organization that provides support and assistance to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the San Gerardo hospital, in Monza (Italy).
Founded in 2014, from the collaboration between families, doctors and nurses, Intensivamente Insieme is aiming at empowering and enhancing the assistance to newborns and their families, while they are facing the challenges of premature birth and other neonatal critical pathologies.

Our mission

Promote any type of initiative that serves to improve the assistance and care of newborn patients
Organize activities to support parents and families of hospitalized patients, in line with the family centered care model
Provide moral assistance and sociopsychological support to parents and families
Raise public awareness of premature birth, neonatal pathologies and critical pathologies of the infant
Promote research in the neonatological field
Promote and implement initiatives to improve the professional training of personnel dedicated to the care of newborn and critical infants
Promote and implement initiatives to strengthen and improve the infrastructure and devices for patient care.

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Created in 1972, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the San Gerardo hospital is one of the first in Italy and is equipped to care newborns that are dealing with premature birth and other neonatal critical pathologies.
The NICU management is characterized by a strong push towards a family-centered care approach, focused on ensuring an immediate and continuous interaction between the family and the newborn, as part of the care practice.
The NICU structure evolved in 2017, when open wards were replaced by single-family-rooms, becoming the first one in Italy implementing this innovative care organization entirely focused on the family-centered care approach.

To help us achieving our mission, you can use the information below to donate by bank transfer:

Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN: IT 51 X 03069 09606 100000144057

Current bank account is named after Intensivamente Insieme.
Please specify your e-mail address in the payment description to let us send you a thank you note.